Non-profit Cultural Association Amici di Sardegna
Connecting all those people who share traditional Sardininan values
Ethical values overcome the concept of space and time. Ethical values to be found in Sardinia, which is a reference point for the life of lots of people. People who share their sardity for several reasons: lineage, home, language, culture and interests.
For a thinking community of Sardinans, citizens of the world…
Since we were children, we were thought to love the environment and all living beings, but as years go by, we acquire convictions. Those beliefs have often a political nature and we might even decide to join a political party, driven on by the fact that we think to solve our problems or reach a better position. In other words, we pick a side.
But a side is never a whole, and so, little by little, we distance ourselves from the others through ideological barriers. We do that even if we are acting in good faith, because we forget that some specific values do not just belong to a certain part of humankind.
Values like peace, work, solidarity and environmental awareness cannot simply belong to left-wing or right-wing parties. They belong to all of us. Let’s not put memberships before contents. We are trying to give life to an identity ecological political action group which gives the environment back that original role given by mother earth and that the mankind often forgets. Contact us also on this blog. The future belongs to you and most importantly to those who will come.
Over 30 years of experience and successes
Amici di Sardegna cultural association is a non-profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS) registered in the General Register of Volunteering, Culture, Education, Cultural Heritage, Permanent Training and International Cooperation sector by Decree of the President of the Regional Council n.593. It was born in 1985 and took legal form in 1993. Amici di Sardegna won a POR (regional operational programmes) in 2001 for Barumini Major tourist events, has carried out projects for the Europian Union, has participated in a LIFE project, collaborates with various Ministries, with the University of Cagliari, numerous institutes of various kinds and degree, with the Region of Sardinia, local authorities, companies and businesses. The association adheres to the CSV Sardegna Solidale (Volunteer Service Centre of Sardinia) and to the Mo.V.I. (Italian Volunteer Movement), and to the Sardinian Network of International Cooperation.
Offices and contacts of Amici di Sardegna ONLUS:
Regional office: via San Lucifero n. 43 09125 Cagliari
Tel. 070/7571098
Operational headquarters: Via Baronia 19 – 09121 Cagliari Tel 070/651884
Freephone number 800 181 424
Insurance policy: Liability Insurance and against accidents la Cattolica
Postal current account: 15229099 in the name of Associazione di Volontariato Amici di Sardegna